Funny Business logo final white


Funny Business, Egypt


logo design for script writer, branding, symbol design, monogram design, responsive logo design, graphic design, art direction


website, business cards, stationery, email footer, signage

Logo design for Funny Business

Logo design for Funny Business


Funny Business, Egypt


logo design for script writer, branding, symbol design, monogram design, responsive logo design, graphic design, art direction


website, business cards, stationery, email footer, signage


Create a logotype for Funny Business (FB). The company is founded by Ayman Wattar, a well-known comedy writer, and offer clients content, mostly scripts. FB targets production companies and streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, et c. Funny Business is efficient and reliable. Value words for FB are: Happy, Efficient and Works like magic – think of it like corporate version of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. 


Before starting the actual drawing phase of the project, Ayman and me selected a few different lettering styles suitable for Funny Business. I presented the best three options and the chosen solution is a rather rough brush style – it visualise Ayman’s proposition to his customers – I get things done. The strong look signals drive, action, seriousness and on a subtle level simplicity – to work with FB is easy. The logo will be used together with the tagline “We take s#!t seriously!”. 

Funny Business logo sketchesFunny Business logo digital draftsFunny Business logo final blackFunny Business logo final white

Funny Business logo print mockup
Funny Business logo social media mockup
Funny Business logo business cards mockup

Björn delivered exceptional work for great value! He was professional and very cooperative. Working with him was a pleasure. Looking forward to collaborate again soon!”

Ayman Wattar,
Founder of Funny Business

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